TRAIn Method

Inspired to help undergraduate students make the transition from college to any kind of research position (like being a graduate school, a member of an R&D department, or a new hire at a start-up), the TRAIn method seeks to train students to be excellent researchers in any field. As conceptualized, the TRAIn method seeks to provide a low risk environment for students to push at the boundaries of their knowledge and practice the skills they will need to conduct original research.

There are four parts of the TRAIn method and can be applied to any field of expertise. The TRAIn method is crafted for students who are enthusiastic and reflective learners, regardless of students' existing knowledge or skills in the field of choice.

  • (T)ry

    Try new research techniques from the field of interest on the datasets and questions of interest to them

  • (R)ead

    Read at least one current research paper in the field of interest each week

  • (A)sk

    Ask questions about the field of interest as well as questions from beyond that field of interest that could lead to deeper understanding in the field of interest

  • (In)corporate

    Incorporate a variety of expertise to ask interesting questions using new techniques from the field of interest, and to incorporate lab experiences into the broader Macalester education and experiences

Additional materials about starting and maintaining a TRAIn lab will be forthcoming. Please check back later or contact Katherine M. Kinnaird for more information.